Introduction to 3C Curriculum
MDN Edify Education designed the curriculum, known as the 3C Curriculum, as a unique tool for the learning of students. This is a three-way approach focusing on important core levers, thus addressing holistic education toward intellectual, emotional, and physical development.
- Conceptual Understanding: The first ‘C’ stresses that students internalize concepts and do not just learn them through asking deeper questions, using critical thinking and real-life applications of learning.
- Creative Learning: The second ‘C’ propounds creative teaching styles. Students are encouraged to engage in deep thinking and reflection, and their ‘hands-on’ experiences prompt them to learn beyond the curriculum.
- Collaborative Skills: The third ‘C’ shows the necessity of teamwork. Contribution is encouraged in students through group working, spreading ideas, and learning to grow their social skills, one of the most imperative life skills in the modern interdependent world.
By integrating these three essential components, the 3C Curriculum equips students to excel academically while preparing them for success in a dynamic, global environment.